Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Democrats Are The Cause of High Energy Prices

As much as they spin and lie about how it is President Bush's fault that gas prices are high, Red State has proof the Democrats are thwarting any attempt for the United States to lower gas prices.

Here is an excerpt from Red State and a breakdown of votes regarding energy independence:

ANWR Exploration
House Republicans: 91% Supported
House Democrats: 86% Opposed

House Republicans: 97% Supported
House Democrats: 78% Opposed

Oil Shale Exploration
House Republicans: 90% Supported
House Democrats: 86% Opposed

Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Exploration
House Republicans: 81% Supported
House Democrats: 83% Opposed

Refinery Increased Capacity
House Republicans: 97% Supported
House Democrats: 96% Opposed

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